Wednesday, December 30, 2015


Simply Adorable!

I met Ruby Farr in the fall of 1955 when we lived at Wilmer Hall at Washington State College (now University). I have told the story of how she would wake me up to go to breakfast since we lived in single rooms right next door to each other. I always thanked her and immediately went back to sleep. She would come into my room after breakfast and say an angry voice, "I am NEVER waking you up again!". This scenario would be repeated many times over.
Ruby was always in some leadership role in the dorm and on campus. One of her positions in the dorm was to review cases where someone had broken the curfew rule. One night I was late coming back from the library and so I was called to appear before her "discipline committee" and explain myself. I don't recall what my punishment was, but I remember the severe scolding I received. We remained friends anyway and have continued to be friends in spite of other scolding’s I have received through the years. Ha.
We have shared a lifetime friendship which has included attending each other’s weddings, birth of our children, visiting in each other’s homes, traveling with Jim and me to our timeshares, going through her divorce and the death of my first husband and following each other’s careers and retirement.
Ruby continues be one of my favorite people probably because we accept our differences and enjoy our common interests and history. She just came to Las Vegas to celebrate my "big" birthday; she will forever be a part of my life. 
Love you and your children, friend. HAPPY, HAPPY DAY!
Barbara Anderson

Ruby is truly special, one of my favorite people we've met in Ashland -- great hiking buddy, great naturalist.  She's the one who showed me the 'granary tree' in Touvelle State Park:  John Kloetzel

(Teaching Moment #247)

Which Bird Stores 
Nuts Like This?

Dear Ruby!

Welcome to the new decade…..a place where you haven’t been before.  You are older now than you have ever been before.  Fret not….the years haven’t changed you.  you are still the dear, laughing, fun-loving young lady I knew in college!  Remember those days at Portland State college, when we were young and carefree?  Ah, those were the days.

Then we were both at Montavilla Church.  I saw your kids grow up there.  You asked if your family could send out my prayer-letter, when I left for Pakistan.  And so you did send it out for me, for those 4 years.

Then for years we didn’t see each other.  We quite lost track of each other.   I did see one of your daughters (was it Kim or Deb or Emmalisa….I forget…I’m old!) at the Pittock Mansion a few years back, when  I took some visitors there.  She was selling  the tickets…and recognized  me!  Imagine that!

And now, we have reconnected and I’m glad for that!  I’m glad to greet you on your BIG BIRTHDAY!!   How big does a birthday have to be, to earn that title??  I do wish you a HAPPY BIRTHDAY!  If I were within ear-shot, I would sing Happy Birthday to you in 3 languages.  Failing that, just let me send you the best of greetings and good wishes for the next year.  You have never been this old before, and you will never be this young again!  ENJOY!!


Mary…..wilder than you are!

Dear Ruby,

Happy 80th Birthday!  Time flies, doesn't it?

Having known you for all but four years of my life (in other words 25 years), I have plenty of memories I could share.  I have fond memories of the many impromptu dinners our families shared.  The Larch Mountain debacle stands out in my mind, but probably is better left alone!  😉.  At least we can laugh about it.  To this day I'm grateful that your kids, my siblings, and I all grew up together and still feel a bond.

 I appreciate your candor and all the discussions and laughter we have shared.  I'm amazed by your energy and zest for life.  May you continue to be blessed with good health, strength, laughter, and love.

Love to you,
Kathie (Bartel)

I met Ruby through our mutual friend Mary and have enjoyed going to Ashland plays and meals with her plus getting together when she is in the Big City [Portland].  But what I especially enjoy is our shared love of old cemeteries.  We have explored many of these in Ashland and a few in PDX.  We might get lost finding some and covered with 'burrs' traipsing through others but we always have fun.  Here are two pictures from our adventures:


The first is of Ruby happily surveying the most idiosyncratic and wonderful gravesite we have seen. 

The second is of Ruby and me inspecting the work of birds [Emmalisa will know what kind...] who store acorns in tree trunks.  This particular tree was not in a cemetery but we had seen others like it in one.  Amazing.

Here's to many more plays, movies, meals, and CEMETERIES!

Ruth Walker

I am late with birthday wishes as the first attempt t o email failed and it took a while to figure out the problem since I am not much of a tech person.  I miss seeing you at the monthly FHL board meetings which under your leadership had become not only efficient and effective but fun!  You really were a superb guide and a boon to the cause.  Thank you!

My world has become smaller since I have difficulty getting around but Beth and Jeannette keep me connected to the world.  Beth is going to teach an OŁLI film class in the spring on the extraordinary wisdom of children.  The subject is inspired and I am sure she will do an excellent job Ashe is a fine researcher and lecturer.

Happy 2016!

Fondly.  Sachi

Love Steven and Judy

Happy Birthday to you! 
Thanks for the musical support over the years.  Will sing you "Happy Birthday" 
today, wherever I am ~
Cheers ~ Jeff

Ruby is a quintessential extrovert. When I drive by her home and she’s there, it’s likely she’s outside visiting animatedly with someone who was walking by and stopped to chat with that friendly woman who lives with her daughter. If I see her at the Racquet Club, she’s basking in the hot tub with another workout queen, in this case, it’s often ME.

One night our mutual friend Patty had a spare set of tickets to a chamber concert and gave one to me and one to Ruby. The music began and one piece was a mazurka, or at least it sounded like a mazurka, and Ruby was all but bouncing in her seat. It was at that moment that I (one who believes in reincarnation) realized that Ruby is and has been a gypsy for many lifetimes! It was like a bolt of lightning. . . I wondered if I dare mention something so likely to be off her radar, but when we were driving home I told her of my suspicion. She didn’t roll her eyes or give me a rational explanation of why I was nuts. “Yes,” she smiled. “That sounds right.”

Now she has joined our very small lunch group called Left Leaning Ladies Who Lunch and I’m so looking forward to following her life more closely. I know Ruby will likely always be a gypsy, but I’m looking forward to her staying in one place long enough (i.e. Bush Street) so I can get to know her better.

Happy Birthday to Gypsy Rose Ruby!

Carole Hesse

Best wishes for the BIG birthday. 

Don't remember the first time we met, but we have seen one another almost every year or two during the past 25 years.  We have been at the airports many time to welcome you--Orange County many many times, Ontario many many times, San Diego, Kauai, Kalispell, Salt Lake City.  Each time you and Barb pick up on the status of our children before we get to the freeway. After we got on the freeway I have been told many times that Oregon drivers are the best an CA drivers are "bad."  ha  

Barbara has always considered you one of her favorite people.  If she hasn't heard from you in awhile, she is on the phone to catch up.

When you flew to Kauai we drove around the airport several times and could not find you.  Needless to say we thought you had missed the plane.  Then, we got out to check the schedule and you were sitting on a bench all by yourself!!!!  We did get a bit of a tongue lashing, but you forgave us quickly.

It has been a pleasure knowing you all these years.  You are one of our most interesting friends--you keep current on so many subjects and your reading skills make me jealous.  

Thank you for your continued friendship.  We have had many great times together whether at one of our timeshare or seeing plays in Ashland. Your trips to Down Under will be a great experience for your birthday.  

Just because you are catching up with me in age doesn't mean that we cannot continue our seeing one another often.  

May your NEW YEAR be filled with happiness and good health.  Let us know everything about NZ and Australia.    

Jim Anderson

Sweet Sisters

Upon becoming 80....Whoa slow down, where has the time gone.  For me your little sister, I remember you always being good to me, in so many ways.  From taking me with you to Olympia parks program, to Oly High play practice where some of the big guys I think football players putting me in a locker in the hall.  To babysitting your children when they were little, to taking care of them when you were wandering Europe. And them eventually becoming my good friends.  Good memories, good sister, good friend.  You are probably just getting started...Go sister of mine, enjoy and be happy.

Love Evie 


Left to Right... Robert Reid, (me) David LoVine, 
Susanne Ashland enjoying a beverage.
Happy Happy Days.
Thanks for the memories, Ruby.

It’s late June in 1987 and I’ve just been called for an interview for a vice principal ship on the central Oregon Coast.  The district who called had not handled my initial application well so I was not very excited about the possibility, as I was heartbroken several weeks earlier when I was promised an interview, then learned that the position had been filled.  So loving the thought of a road trip to the coast, I decided that I would make the best of the trip and arrived in my crisp navy tweed suit and a high-necked blouse and a crimson pin to match.  The beautiful new library at Waldport HS was filled with twenty people, the interview committee, and Ruby immediately stood out, with hands reaching out to welcome me and help me feel at ease.  Me in my navy suit and Ruby in her flowing outfit of reds, oranges and yellows and a personality to match.
We worked together as an administration team at Waldport HS for three years, and to say that I learned a great deal from her is an amazing understatement.  I was the quiet and thoughtful detail person watching everything and internalizing every lesson.  Ruby was the outgoing, compassionate and inclusive leader who welcomed everyone just as she welcomed me that first day I met her.
During our time at Waldport HS, we became a great leadership team because our skills complemented each other and because we shared the same values about our students, their families, our many co-workers, and the Lincoln County community.  In addition to becoming an amazing mentor, we became friends, and our gift of friendship has been a blessing ever since. 
To Ruby – who has taught me about the importance of family, friendship, laughter, and all that is beautiful in this world, thank you for always being true to yourself and believing in those you hold dear.
Happy Birthday, dear friend! Here’s to many new adventures ahead….love, Pat

(Teaching Moment #1324)

Which ladder scenario would Ruby find most appealing?


Back in 1988 I was fortunate enough to do a teacher exchange between my Australian school and Waldport High. It was here I met Principal Whalley, an impressive professional who seemed completely unruffled by anything thrown her way, including a parent arriving at school with a gun (that was new to me). On my arrival in Waldport Ruby took me out for lunch for nachos. How could this American woman guess what a wonderful novelty this food was for an Aussie at the time? Since then I've been blown over again and again by Ruby's thoughtfulness, generosity and ability to know just what to do for others. We kept in touch through the years and in 2008 when I had my daughter also named Ruby, big Ruby (as she was later to become known) sent a soft toy, we dubbed with the typical Aussie name 'Wally' which didn't leave our daughter's side for several years. We were thrilled this year to enjoy a holiday along the North West Pacific Coast and stayed in Ashland with Ruby. My wife Emma was a little hesitant to spend too long with Ruby, thinking we would be imposing given we hadn't seen each other for so many years but when we arrived Ruby insisted we stay in her room and made us feel so at home we didn't want to leave, Emma commenting "I feel like I've known her forever". Which is maybe why we moved on to stay with Deb and Dan (several times) and then back through Ashland to see Ruby, Kim and Emmalisa again. Looking back, time spent with Ruby and her family remains the highlight of our trip, particularly little Ruby who on return to school was asked to write a story about her big holiday which turned out to be really a story about the Whalley’s. We can't wait to see you here Downunder next year.

Happy birthday big Ruby, from Oscar, Emma and little Ruby
Oscar, Ruby, Garrison, Emmalisa, Little Ruby and Emma

I think that Ruby and I were students at Portland State University around the same time, but I never had any classes with her.  I didn’t meet her until she interviewed for the Principal’s job at Talent Junior High in 1980.  The three candidates for the position met with the staff on separate dates, and I believe they each talked a bit, then answered questions.  I liked Ruby immediately.  I loved that she was direct and decisive with her comments.  After the staff had met with the three contenders, we were asked to write our recommendation and state why we chose that person.  My choice, of course, was Ruby and I mentioned the directness and decisiveness in my explanation.  Later, one of the P-T School Board members told me he really liked what I had written.  I’m sure many other staff members felt the same way because Ruby was hired! Unfortunately, she only stayed for three years before moving on to a position in Eagle Point.  I loved working with Ruby. And I loved that we became friends.
So, here’s to a great birthday and a new decade, my friend.  I’ll be looking forward to all the visits, lunches and walks. I just hope I can keep up with you!
Tanti Auguri,
--Joanne L.--

Ron and Sharon Dean
aka Awesome Neighbors!

(*Check out Ron's amazing "ode" to Ruby at the very end of this blog) 

This is one ruby that doesn't just sit and sparkle - our Ruby pounces, investigates, engages, initiates and secures what she is looking for!  I hardly qualify to be in her realm but I feel like her very best friend when I am with her even though I know she has dozens and dozens of others. I have no photos, only memories of walking, finding cemeteries, talking about houses on Granite street, and watching her truly lead as the president of the board of Friends of the Hannon Library. The world needs more like her but she is impossible to duplicate and one of a kind. Happy Birthday girl - give it many more whirls. 
Jan Wright


Pablo Picasso was surely thinking of our timeless, ageless Ruby!
We wish you all the very best as you celebrate this special birthday.

Here's to a wonderful new decade filled with fun, good health,laughter, adventures and much happiness with all you hold dear. 

We are indeed delighted to  be included in THE RUBY FAN CLUB! 

  "IT'S A GOOD LIFE....ENJOY IT."​  - Jim Henson

With big smiles and birthday hugs plus  a virtual birthday serenade, 
Paula and Shel

We met-- we clicked. To have friends of different generations is....creative! Thanks for adding to mine!!! 

Reflecting on Ruby:
Ruby loves to walk. I learned that very early in our relationship. She has stamina that is considerable and inspirational. I loved that she hiked up to our new home when we first arrived in 2013 without a thought to the steep streets. I loved our walks on the nearby TID where she pointed out all the different wildflowers to me one late wet spring day. Our Ruby--a fountain of information!

Ruby also loves all things with feathers. Now and then I am the happy beneficiary of bird outings with Ruby. I love her enthusiasm and pure joy reacting to the outdoors. I love all the names of the birds. I marvel at the quick recognition in places invisible to novice me!  Even a walk down the Alleys of Ashland produces wisdom and stories. Ruby the Teacher-- lucky me!  (a newcomer to her beloved town). 

Ruby is also a regular patron of my artcards which has generated significant donations to  Children International. She makes a difference all over the world with each purchase. It is extra special to know how much she loves sharing my art with family and  friends near and far. Her love of correspondence is very dear. Often when  I am in Lithia Park with my camera considering the beauty of the season, my friend Ruby tends to be sitting on my shoulder. I am deeply grateful.

Dear Friend-- I look forward to more strolls in 2016. ( and sitting and sipping and chatting.) Thanks to the inspiration of master bird photographer Emmalisa I now have a mega zoom camera to take on our next bird watch. 

Ruby--You are a blessing in my life and a treasure to all who know and love you. Happy 80 years young! 
With deep affection, Paula

"Don't fight the rings on the tree--just keep counting them."

I only recently discovered this picture from Cuba.  We visited
a "Special Needs Kids" workshop.  The kids were so proud
of their beautiful work.  Both Ruby & Judy purchased art works
from this young lady.  She posed for this picture with her
American art collectors. 

Dave (Krug)

It is the summer of 1996 and I am driving away from a rural grade school heading back home to Portland, repeating the name of the principal whom I had just met at a transition meeting for one of my therapy clients. "Ruby Whalley...Ruby Whalley...", suddenly it hit me!  I pulled a u-turn and headed back to the school and walked into your office. "Mrs.Whalley, it's me, Laura Minato!"  Two decades before this chance reunion, our relationship was one of student and teacher at Gresham High School where "Mrs.Whalley" taught me how to write a research paper. Who knew that we would meet each other again in school as principal and counselor at Beavercreek Elementary? Finding you  again was  good timing for me personally as well as professionally. I had the confidence and hopefulness that comes with a brand new master's degree, but I was still hurting from some losses, including the sudden death of my mom several years before. We only  worked together for that one year as it was your  last before retiring, but we forged the beginning of an enduring friendship. You became  a mentor, mother figure, and friend to me. I remember that you made me promise that I would keep my counselor position for at least two years. Ruby, after twenty years,I did keep that promise several times over! You helped me set the path for my life's work and it could not have been more well chosen. Your independent spirit, colorful personality, and zest for life continue to inspire me. I love you.

Laura Minato

Love Sue MacDonell

Mom checking out the blog~ She was SO moved....Thank you all!

Really enjoy working with Ruby on the Ashland Heritage Committee. She keeps it fun and interesting and always finds stories to share with us about this amazing little town we live in. Thanks again Ruby.

Cyrus Emerson

Message for Ruby!
Although we've known you for 10 years, it feels as if we've been friends forever. Becoming part of your neighborhood and friendship group has been the best part of our move to Ashland. As you know, when we decided to live in a bigger house, we couldn't leave this neighborhood and happily moved CLOSER to you and Kim. Ruby, we love you and love being able to visit so often and easily. Have a wonderful day, and party, and year!  With much love,

Christine and Rick
And the cats.

Happy, Happy Birthday dear Ruby!  May this be your best year yet!
Love, Vincent

Washington State Capital Steps She Slid Down in High School Too!  Some Traditions!

You who have been with me since well, time began, my biggest support, teacher and fan.  We have explored multiple countries and grand places.  The ethos that you walk with in life is such a powerful example.  Generous of your time, you share freely with those who are in need.  You always support the causes that are important.

Mom, you are the parent, friend and the pain in the ...   That I Love!!

May you see and explore all you crave.  Travel well dear Ruby, you are as precious as your name.           

Yuckin' it up in Yosemite

Ruby has always been a singular type of grandmother. I didn't always appreciate visiting cemeteries or the idea that borscht and burnt toast is a "delicious breakfast" (because it really isn't). But Ruby has always encouraged hard work, intellectualism, art appreciation, travel, academic pursuit and the idea that women can do anything. And that is a legacy I am hugely grateful for. Happy birthday grandma! I absolutely love you! Enjoy the new puppy!  Emily 

Happy birthday cuz on                 William Osborne

Dear Ancient Ones Section

Grandma W
Delphos William Smiley Farr

Memorial Benches at Upper Lithia Park Pond

The Upcoming Ancient Ones

To the lucky family:

Not a blogger am I; simply taking this way to express the delights and surprises of learning about the Ruby Whalley I knew only as the bright. sharp, intelligent, compassionate leader/president of The Friends of the Hannon Library when I was a board member.  

To learn now of this incredible, life-impassioned lady, seemingly an embodiment of the phrase joie de vive, has been for me one of the joys to come out of this holiday season as I turn into the new year and how I have appreciated the happy, adventurous photos of her, and all the greetings, reminiscences, the histories of such a very special human being. 

What a Mom! What a lady!  What a Ruby!

With a warm heart and love,

Joyce Epstein

I don't have any photos to post . . . but, oh my goodness, I've got great memories!!
Thirty-eight years ago I met Ruby at Gresham High School.  It was my first year in "Gopher-ville" and she quickly became a mentor, and a very good friend.  Right away it was clear that Ruby was a leader:  smart, funny, enthusiastic, and willing to jump in and get to know a newbie like me.  She was awesome then, and she's awesome now!!  
   Soon after I started at Gresham, she departed Gopher-ville and went on to work as an administrator all over the place:  Ashland, Phoenix, Eagle Point, Waldport, Oregon City, Beavercreek and . . . I'm sure I've left out some of her schools.  But, always a great educator, a great parent, and a great friend.  
   Now that we're both retired, we've been lucky enough to remain friends and to share our passions:  theatre, art, and reading.  We've talked endlessly about art, books, movies, OSF shows, and although I don't share Ruby and Ruth's passion for cemeteries, I continue to appreciate their enthusiasm for those "field trips."  Her curiosity knows no limits, and she loves to learn and to grow . . . no matter what her age. I'm thankful to have Ruby in my life, and can't wait for my next visit to Ashland.  She is a dear and wonderful friend, and I just love her to pieces.  Happy, Happy "Big One" Ruby!!    xoxo Mary (Haskell)

I first met Ruby (Mrs. Whalley to me back then) in 1967 when I was a senior at Gresham High School and Ruby was a student teacher in Raymond Nelson’s English Class. Because Ruby was such a lovely and generous woman, she befriended me after I graduated, inviting me over to meet her family. I still remember her free and easy style — she seemed so comfortable in her own skin. That made an impression on a self-conscious, inhibited but aching to be worldly-wise young woman. She offered an attractive alternative to the constricted expectations back in the 60’s (my shorthand teacher was still telling her students to wear hat and gloves to job interviews). I never forgot Ruby and was so happy to reconnect with her many years later — still the warm-hearted, joyous woman that I had come to know as a high school student. 
Thank you, Ruby, for entering my life at the opportune moment and for maintaining that lovely spirit you share with all who know and love you.  
Claudia (McCracken) Lashley


They say,
Ruby you're like a flame . . . .

I  remember moving to Lincoln County School District as an assistant principal at Toledo High School. It was my first job in administration and the year was 1987. My new boss's style of management and supervision was a little bit intimidating.  I was so happy to learn that there was another pair of administrators working in Waldport who had similar jobs as principal and assistant principal at Waldport High School. Ruby and Pat seemed to have a people-friendly approach to resolving conflicts and finding common ground with parents, teachers, students and the community. I quickly latched onto them as my "go to" informal mentors -- and I often used them as sounding boards during times of emotional distress. Walport High School was on "speed dial" in my office, and I'm pretty sure we talked almost daily. 

I had a wonderful time in Lincoln County School District. The best of these times were with Pat and Ruby. We developed an enduring friendship and we usually got together for dinner every week or two. We drank a lot of wine. I think those dinners kept me from going completely crazy. I count Ruby as one of my earliest and most important professional mentors. More importantly, Ruby is one of my dearest long-term friends. She has a magical way of recognizing everyone's personal gifts as well as their flaws. She never lets the flaws get in the way. 

Finally, I think it is important to note that Ruby is the only Ruby I know.  So she is the only person I can sing "Ruby" (Ray Charles) to whenever she answers the phone. 

Wishing you a Happy, Happy, Birthday Ruby!

Michael Lehman

Dear Ruby,  
Thanks so much for being my godmother; for being a woman ahead of me on the journey through life and speaking about it honestly and substantively; and - most especially - for being a link for me to my mother, with whom I can no longer speak directly.  I hope that your 80s are TERRIFIC, and that I get to see more of you!!!!  
Lots of love, Mary (King)

Mom, wow, what can I say but thank you first of all for all you did for us when we were growing up.  I am so appreciative of you. 
14 years ago my dad died and I thought to myself, I want to do something with mom that she already does and I can incorporate myself into, well I happened to choose birding and we have been birding together ever since.  We have travelled to Ohio, Cuba and Alaska to do some birding and I am looking forward to more trips with you.
One of my favorite birding stories is mom telling me that she hadn’t seen an American Bittern yet and we were up visiting Ridgefield Wildlife Refuge. We were walking in the woods and there was a spot where you could see the water and there in front of us was an American Bittern.  I fell to the ground with excitement and mom was jumping up and down. We got to watch that bird for a while and then we moved on, happy with what we had just seen together.
I love going to plays with you, birding and sharing time with you. You are one of my favorite people! I love you mema, happy birthday!     Emmalisa

Emmalisa and Debra

The Black and White Area
Grandma Farr and Runt
Bob, Ruby, Kim and Debra 1959

Where's Emma?

The Little Farmhouse


 Happy Birthday Ruby!  

Thank you for welcoming me to your family.
 I took this picture during a hike to Hobart Peak on 
Christmas Day several years ago. 
Wishing you more adventures and much happiness.
Love, Cindy


Congratulations, Ruby, as you begin another year!  May this new, and very important one, be one of your Very Best!   Apparently, Pablo Picasso once said, “It takes a long time to become young.”  You, Miss Ruby, have done a great job!  Keep it up!

---a Portland Art Museum friend, Judy Lyons

Magical Musical (Not) Birthday Candle

We have reflected extensively on the many marvelous 'facets' of Ruby.  We hope to participate in the tribute, and salute you for providing a forum, (and giving us a learning opportunity).
We greatly appreciate your family, with all your gifts!
Colleen, and Robin,
Nicholas and Lucy Claire

Happy Birthday Ruby. 
 I’m almost caught up with you.  Well…I guess I’ll never catch up, but I’m only 3 years behind.  Thank you from the bottom of my grandmotherly heart, for being so patient with Garrison.
I love you and Kim for what you are doing to help him. 
Have a wonderful 80th year.
Sheri Burrell

The Amazing Places in our lives....

Brother Bud (Frank) and Evie

Tracy, Bud and Ruby

A Very Happy 80th Birthday Miss Ruby ...
We love you
brother Bud (Frank) & Tracy

15 years ago we came down and spent the night in Ashland, with Ruby and Kim. We took your mom and went to Reno, and she never had been to Reno and she had never gambled.  We stayed at the Silver Legacy, and when we woke up and had breakfast we started to walk through the casino. She had no idea what to do, but Ruby being frugal and funny pulled out 5 bucks. I asked her what she wanted to play and we went down the hall to find some silver dollar machines.  She pulls twice and she loses 5 bucks, and she looks at us and she says this is crap.

So Tracy says to her, can I play your machine, and Ruby says yes.  So then Tracy asks again, so you don’t care if I play your machine, and Ruby says no. Tracy put 20 bucks in the machine and pulls it twice and wins 150 dollars.

The whole day everywhere we go she says, you should give me my money back. This continues for hours until finally Tracy says fine, and gives her her money back and her brother says I wouldn't have given it back to her.


Ruby left her camera in Olympia and the next day we were flying to Reno so we took her camera with us. We got a picture under the Welcome to Reno sign and pretty much everywhere we went.  The next time we saw her we gave her the camera back. So she calls a couple of weeks later and says I got my pictures developed and when the hell did we go to Reno? When did we all go to Reno? We couldn't help it and started laughing and there was silence for a moment and then she says you *@!#?’s.


  Ruby and her extended family adopted us many years ago, and all are an important part of our lives.   Every other year or so we all gather together for campouts, boat cruises and several days of competitions, story telling and relaxation.  We call ourselves the Las Vegas Big Girl Panties group and pride ourselves on our creativity and daring.  Ruby is the wild crazy one who does not hesitate to state her opinion, and reminds us that there are different perspectives than our own. For the last decade she has been stalking Daryl, our bartender. We watched her dancing wild French Apache with him, found him in her bed, tied up on the boat just outside her bedroom door and casually tossed around the living room by her.  All of us are impressed with her pursuits, and her "joie de vie."  
We love you Ruby and are grateful that we are part of your family.   Happy birthday!   Cheryl and Anne

I am intimidated as well to try and write something. But I would like to say thanks for including me in with some of your family fun. Going on some of the BGPP (Big Girl Panty Parties) have made wonderful memories for me.  You will always be young at heart and full of mischief and make people smile...
Happy birthday
 Penny Domingos

Happy Birthday, Ruby!!

It seems it was not that long ago that we celebrated a special birthday of yours!   And, now, another one?  Can't be!!  Although, each and every birthday really is special...sometimes the time just goes too fast!

When I think of you, I see a woman who is quietly elegant and deeply thoughtful.  You are wise and kind and any time spent with you is a pleasure.  You are the Mother to one of my dearest friends and to two others who are not far behind....I love being on the edge of your family!!

I wish for you a very special day as well as a year filled with joy, peace, quiet and fun surprises...

Happy Birthday,

Love, Susan

Happy Birthday to a rare gem indeed!
So glad to be counted among those who love and admire you!
Rob & Casey Cavasher

Ruby and Jack (Grandson)

Dear Ruby, Here I am typing away at 5:57 PM on Wednesday....your birthday. Supposedly you are going to get this "Wednesday evening". Hopefully that means I have three minutes to be timely. Ruby, you were the best principal EVER. I will never forget the first time I met you. I can't remember why exactly I had to consult "the new principal", but I do remember going into your office sometime before the start of school. We discussed whatever it was we needed to discuss and when I got up to leave you jumped up and offered me a hug. Well, wow! And so started a friendship I will treasure always. You were always so much fun to work with...I totally appreciated your clear approach and your humor. I am thinking of the time that Carl dressed up as a woman for Halloween in 6th grade. You were totally convulsed with laughter. It WAS funny! I hope you have a wonderful 80th celebration....whaaaaat 80???? Are you kidding me? You are amazing. I want to be just like you when I grow up. Love, on

Dearest Ruby,
Happy Birthday, dear one. I must say that every time I see you out "power walking" I get inspired by your youthfulness, beauty and energy! You got it goin', girl!
Love ya lots, Zan 

Ruby – one of the warmest and most caring people I know. Her thoughtfulness is rare and genuine, her humor bright and enduring. I’m thankful to know her, and she’s made my life richer in so many ways!  Claudia Law

As a parent and an ‘unofficial’ staff member of your school, I have to tell you; your smile and laugh could make me forget it was raining outside. Coming from the east coast, I always appreciated your direct candor. There were times you said things I didn’t necessarily want to hear, but provided the kind of guidance I needed in order to grow, professionally. Your caring ways for students and staff, alike, always impressed me, and the steps you took to increase the focus on academics made me proud to be on your team. 

I so admire your sense of adventure, and the way you approached retirement. May you continue to have great adventures, in good health and spirit, for many years to come.


I do wish Ruby a VERY, MERRY Birthday!

(Suzette Mecca)

Wishing you a glorious birthday and all you wish for in the year ahead.  You are a gem, Ruby.    Love, Jack Davis

Dear Ruby,

I once escaped out of a not so accessible window rather than face the school principal, one of those shadowy figures who prowled the hallways with a paddle the size of the cutting boards the boys made in shop class, while the girls sewed  crooked seams into A-line skirts.

I'm not sure which of us was spared the worst of the interaction that was about to take place in that office, but it was the closest I ever got to a principal until I met you.

Thank you for sharing your warmth, your generosity, your humor and encouragement, with me and with Mahalia all these years.  It's hard to imagine anyone ever felt the need to disappear out your office window.

It's been an honor to feel part of your family, to watch you all grow, and now to be included in this blog celebration of your birthday. I'll be thinking of you today and wishing you the best of years.

With much love,

Deborah  (Cohen)

Yosemite 2010

Happy Birthday/ Pura Vida (Pure Life!) Ruby!!! 

In celebration of your life, I want to express my love and gratitude for you and your family, from your lovely daughter Kim, with whom I have been a "soulmate" from the first day I met her at the old Ashland Bakery Cafe in 1985, to the subsequent meeting of you and Debbie, Mike, Emmalisa, your Dad, Sister, and nieces and nephews. Over the years you have been so loving and welcoming to me and to Clare, and Louis, and to all of my family; I have always felt loved and included by you - and teased, which made me feel right at home! 

With blessings of love, I join with all of your family and friends to honor you ~

Marianne (O’Sheeran)

We love you too Ruby and hope you enjoy your 80th year.

Like you did the others, you welcomed us into the neighborhood back in 2000.  You and Kim both greeted us with smiling faces and encouraged us as we worked and worked and worked on our house across the street.

We love seeing you often walking about town, and always enjoy seeing your smile whenever we run into you.

Thanks Kim for orchestrating the great gift… the messages of love for your Mom. 

Patti and Guy


We love you Ruby and wish you the very best birthday ever!!
Enjoy your special day!!

Lots of love from,
The Moniz Family aka Rick, Monique, Jordan, Ian and Barley

Ruby Teaching Dancing in Cuba

Hmmm....let me see.  Well, to share my most memorable moment with this wonderful woman would need to be from when I first met her. 

Close friends with her Gem, Ms Emmalisa....I heard many stories about her Mom long before meeting the iconic Ruby.  I recall Ruby visiting Emm for lunch at Standard Insurance.  Not a real shocking deal, since they surely are very close to each other.  This particular day, The Standard Café was serving creamed corn (..."chowder", I believe it was).  Mizz Ruby ordered up a bowl of this (in my opinion) "gruel" to feast upon for lunch.

Now...I LOVE corn.  Corn on the cob, canned corn, frozen corn.  I don't like my corn to be infused into ANY other form of food (...with the exception of veggie soup).  One of my most certain food "dislikes", for whatever reason, is creamed corn or corn chowder, cornbread or ANY thing remotely resembling creamed and corn combined!  In my mind.....there's just...."something wrong" with the looks, the taste, the texture...the entire idea!?!?

I remember Mizz Ruby enjoying her chowder and I, like the fool I am, expressed my cream corn distain to her.  I didn't take to heart the stories that Emma had warned me about her Mothers wicked sense of humor.  After all....she seemed a sweet, intelligent, tender and soft spoken woman at first was I to know???  My guess (now, at least) is that the sweet, calm demeanor she showed outwardly....was a façade of the internal workings of information gathering to fulfill her wicked sense of humor later on.

Time went on...and there were several more times I got to share some brief times with Mizz Ruby.  To be honest, I had forgotten that she had internal knowledge of my corn preferences.  On another day....several months later, again, there was another occasion that Mizz Ruby had joined Emma for lunch at the Standard Café.  THIS particular time....I was told she was bringing a "gift" for ME?!?!?

What could it be?  Why was she getting something for lil ole me??  What was the occasion???  Thoughts abound my brain throughout the day. 

By this time, I had the blessing to get and know a bit more about the Whalley Clan.  I know that....just like their Mother...each of her children have a great deal of kindness, intelligence, HUGE hearts and massive amounts of creativity!  I wasn't just excited to see Mizz Ruby again....but was anxious to see what gift she had bequeathed to me!  (Yes....I am rather "hellish" when presents are involved.)

So Emma and I waltz to the café....and sitting at Emma's usual "high" table in the back of the Café, was Mizz Ruby.  We ordered and brought our lunch to the table...and Mizz Ruby shuffled a package across the table to me.  Again....kid with Christmas fever, I tore the package open. 

Inside the package...was a can of....(ugh, ick, ewwie) creamed corn.  Of course...when a child is handed a helping of one of the very foods she detests....I made "The Face".  Anyone that has ever seen a kid forced to eat liver for the first time, knows which face I donned! 

At that moment....looking up into Mizz Ruby's beautiful eyes, beaming with laughter and a certain "tee hee hee" devious sparkle....I knew that she considered me "ok" and liked me.....and I had just been "Rubied"! 

Not to be out-done.....I held onto that can of creamed corn til the next holiday season.  I re-wrapped it with a recipe and supplies needed to make creamed corn bread.  Seems Mizz Ruby isn't the only one with a wicked sense of humor.  Difference is....I really think she actually MADE the cornbread....and I'm positive that it was delicious!

It is an honor to know you, Mizz Ruby and your family.  You have done an AMAZING job raising your phenominal kids....and I am a very blessed woman to share the times I had with you all!

So here's to you, Mizz Ruby!  As you enter and enjoy your 8th decade on this wonderful planet...please know that you are greatly loved, widely respected, joyously revered and a huge inspiration to all who you touch!!!

In closing.....allow me to add a poem.  I didn't write it....but it certainly does fit you:

I can’t seem to believe
Of you whatever I see
You look so wonderful
Even at eighty
I am simply blown away
Looking at the way you are
You are nothing less than
An octogenarian superstar
Happy 80th birthday

Wishing you all the best life has to and always!!! Happy 80th Birthday Darlin....and I hope your spoiled rotten!!!

Much Love,

Dodie Grant Ward (...who still, ironically, hates creamed corn!!!)

Ruby Goes to Town

by Ron Dean

I don't know if Ruby

ever dressed up like a clown

I don't know if Ruby

ever took her love to town

I know that she's been up the hill

and hiked it all around

But if  she were a better neighbor

she'd cut the damned tree down.

I saw her though the window

She was partying to beat the band

Her mouth was full of shrimp

with a chip in either hand

The dip it looked delicious

the layout was just grand

The guests that she was hosting

were the finest in the land.

She keeps her family close to her

She's a woman to be praised

She has a lot of grown-up kids

She got them all well raised

No matter what life throws at her

She never will be fazed

 And the people who live next to her

are really quiet amazed.

She picks up all the branches

that fall down from the tree

Some branches fall for her

Some branches fall for me

Other things fall from that tree

for everyone to see

No matter what the time of year

the tree leaves stuff for me.

I've talked about that tree enough

This is Ruby's day

Ruby and that tree of hers

 have both got lots to say

They've been together many years

from June right through to May

Every hour of every year

and every sunny day.

I don't know who is older

if we have to count in years

The tree has seen a lot

but it cannot calm our fears

But Ruby too has seen a lot

Has gray matter 'tween the ears

Ruby is the choice for me

for the vision that is clear.

I've grown to love that tree next door

no matter what it drops

Some stuff you don't see on the bottom

falls down from on the top

I've tried to learn its seasons

and each season's many crops

I just know I'll be distressed

if the dropping ever stops.

But these words are about Ruby

not about her incense spruce

Words about her fine mind

and the things she can deduce

I know you've caught my error

It's a cedar not a spruce

But cedar doesn't rhyme with

 loose, caboose, or Dr. Seuss.

So let's get back to Ruby

and the joy she brings to all

Of the beauty in her face

and her posture straight and tall

Forget about that tree

and all that stuff that soon will fall

And how cleaning it up daily

has me climbing up the wall.

So Ruby tell us all about

the town where we reside

Of all it has to offer

of all it can provide

Tell us of its history

Its gardens far and wide

Of all the trees down in the park

and where to find a guide.

How did I get back to trees

which I never meant to do

I've been referring to just one tree

but really there are two

They both contribute to my ire

to the chore that I so rue

But neither one can keep me from

the things I like to do

So in this little town of ours

that's centered on the "Bard"

I have an urge from deep within

an urge I truly guard

I like to see some order

in the place I call the yard

And when I keep it tidy

the work is never hard.

Your friends are scattered far and wide

almost everywhere

They will celebrate your life

because they really care

You treat us all like family

like cubs within you lair

And even though I curse that tree

I'm really glad it's there.

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